Why Are Huskies So Stubborn? [9 Common Reasons]

Husky is an energetic dog breed known for its thickly furred double coat, erect triangular ears, distinctive markings and have a wolf-like appearance.

They are known for pulling sleds in the polar areas but now you can find them all over the world as they have become a popular breed.

 They are incredibly beautiful, loyal and loving companions but along with these amazing traits, one might wonder why are huskies so stubborn.

In this blog, I will explain some common reasons for their stubborn nature. Keep reading the article to get more information about the stubborn nature of your pet.

Naturally Stubborn Breed

Huskies are known for being one of the most stubborn dogs. They are a naturally stubborn breed. It’s not necessarily bad but can be challenging at times. A stubborn husky makes training difficult and can lead to power struggles and disharmony.

Gender Difference in Stubbornness

Male huskies are more dominant and stubborn. Females are more willing, social and less stubborn. Male huskies are much harder to train in comparison to female huskies.

Why Are Huskies So Stubborn? (Some Common Reasons)

Stubborn Husky Dogs

There are many reasons for their stubborn behavior. Let’s take a look at some reasons.

1. Independent Nature

One reason that huskies are more stubborn than other dog breeds is their independent nature. Born and bred as working dogs and pulling sleds, they are hardworking.

Their independence can make them stubborn but it also seems that once they’ve been given a command, they are more likely to follow the task.

Huskies love their owners and are very affectionate but their independent nature can be a problem. You should be calm and confident while guiding them so that they can feel safe in your leadership.

2. High Intelligence

Another possible reason for husky’s stubbornness is their high intelligence which is often used to figure out ways to get what they want.

This can be challenging as well as frustrating for owners. As long as you’re patient and consistent regarding your commands, it will be easier to train them.

3. Genetics

The huskies are known for having a stubborn temperament, but why?

Much of it comes from their history. Huskies are descendants of the Taimyr wolves of Siberia. The Chukchi people of Siberia used them for sled pulling and companionship. 

Their ancestors lived in the extremely cold and harsh environment of the Siberian Arctic. This breed takes pleasure in cold weather and is prone to overheating in hot conditions.

4. Dominance

Like wolves, huskies are pack-oriented genetically and according to their behavior. They exhibit dominance and aggression. Almost all huskies try to dominate as they want to be in charge.

If your husky doesn’t take you as a leader, they won’t feel the need to follow you. There can be many possibilities for this such as lack of authority, bad behavior, lack of training and interactions. The question here is how you can become an alpha for your husky?

Once you have his attention, walk in a way with him by your side. If he again tries to yank you in another way, stop right away and go the opposite way.

Divert his energy. One of the ways you can be the alpha to your dog is by giving him a job to do. Roll him a ball and get him to get it back to you.

5. Exercise

The Siberian Husky is an active breed that needs at least one to two hours of exercise daily. Exercise must be done in a safe area as these dogs tend to roam and can easily escape. Siberian Huskies are also known for damaging homes when they are not exercised regularly.

6. Improper Training

They can be trained but their training must start from a young age. The earlier you start your training, the easier it will be to command them.

If you wait for your husky to get a bit older and then start your training sessions, then there may be a point when your husky refuses to follow your instructions.

7. Lack Of Mental Stimulation

Mental stimulation (mental exercise) is very important as owners sometimes forget it to meet the needs of physical exercise of a husky.

8. Escape Tendencies

Huskies are known to be curious and playful. They can jump over fences and squeeze through tight spaces. Due to their friendly nature, these dogs are not used to guard homes or other areas. They may try to escape so they can explore the outside area of your yard or home.

9. Health & Diet

Huskies need a balanced diet that can meet their nutritional needs and help them to have a healthy lifestyle. They can have several food allergies, so you must be careful while feeding your husky.

What To Do If You Have A Stubborn Husky? (How to Train Them)

Stubborn Husky

If your husky is stubborn, you’ll need to identify the reason.

  • If they have a health issue, take them to the vet.
  • Lack of exercise and training can also contribute to a husky’s stubbornness, so rewarding your pet every time while training or exercising can help him overcome stubbornness.
  • Most huskies are food motivated, you can choose specific food treats only for Working with a stubborn husky means that you’ll need a lot of patience. Your husky can sense how you feel.
  • Make sure that your husky’s physical and mental health has been taken care of.
  • Interacting more with your husky as leaving them alone for a longer period can also lead to stubbornness.
  • Following certain commands which they find difficult.
  • Choose the right place and certain time of day to start your training.

How To Choose The Right Husky For Your Family

Despite their stubborn nature, huskies are good family dogs. You just need to consider a few things when choosing the husky for your family.

  • Well research the breed, its grooming perceptions, energy levels and overall temperament.
  • Consider the space and living conditions of your environment that comply with the breed’s potential needs.
  • Health considerations are also very crucial to remember when choosing a husky for your family. Always look for any allergies or ailments. Visit a vet if required.
  • Consider adoption through a shelter or animal centre. Many huskies are in need of a loving home.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, the stubborn nature of Huskies is deeply rooted in their Arctic heritage, shaped by generations of survival in harsh conditions that demanded independence and resourcefulness.

The combination of intelligence, selective breeding, and a need for mental and physical stimulation has resulted in a unique temperament that may be perceived as stubborn.

While this trait poses training challenges, understanding and embracing the breed’s history, coupled with patient and positive training approaches, can foster a harmonious relationship with these captivating and spirited companions.

The stubbornness of Huskies, when properly managed, becomes a testament to their resilience and individuality, enriching the bond between these remarkable dogs and their devoted owners.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Are Huskies So Vocal?

Huskies are vocal because of their polar heritage and need to be communicative for their survival. Moreover, they are expressive in nature which adds to their vocalization.

Why Are Huskies So Dramatic?

Huskies have strong and expressive temperaments which makes them somewhat dramatic. They seem to be like this because of their intelligence, independence and an urge to communicate widely.

Why Are Huskies Hard To Train?

Huskies are stubborn, intelligent, and strong in expressing their own will. It makes it difficult to train them with ordinary methods hence making them hard to train.

How To Deal With A Stubborn Husky?

A stubborn husky, although very common is never easily trainable therefore positive reinforcement method is required to train them to the owner’s desired will. You must have patience while training. It is important to note that the punishment would not work with huskies rather it would create more stubbornness in them.

Avatar of Salma Fawad

As a passionate dog trainer and behavior specialist, I use empathy and research to promote positive interactions between people and their animal friends. With years of experience, I provide dog owners with practical training methods that encourage understanding and good conduct.

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