11 Reasons Why Boxers are the Worst Dogs?

Boxers are a famous breed that provokes strong reactions. Either people love them, or they hate them. Some find them to be a really good fit because of how lively and endearing they are.

But other people could find these attributes disagreeable. That’s where this question arose why are boxers the worst dogs? Because sometimes they are stubborn and damaging, it could be a task that makes them worse.

If you’re considering getting a new boxer and wondering what type of dog a boxer is, Congratulations, you’ve come to the correct place.

This article will provide you with more insight into the nature of boxers that solves your query about why boxers are the worst dogs.

Read Also: 8 Reasons Why Are Brindle Dogs Unpopular?

Introduction of Boxers Breed

Brown Boxer Dog

Suppose you are a new person to know this breed. It would have made you curious why are boxer dogs called boxers. Because they playfully use their front paws, resembling a boxer’s movements in the ring.

The Boxer dog breed is powerful and energetic, originally used for hunting in Germany. They have slim bodies for agility and strength. Boxers were exported to the US and flourished in New York. With time, their popularity expanded.

They were excellent partners and guards due to their protective instincts. In appearance, they are taller than Pitbulls but shorter than elegant golden retrievers, and they are medium to big dogs.

After a brief introduction, we asked the question of whether boxers were aggressive. Yes, it is true to some instinct and can be managed with proper training and sessions.

Reasons That Prove Why Boxers Are the Worst Dogs

Boxer Dog

We’ll delve into several reasons why boxers are frequently considered challenging pets in the following discussion, including their high energy levels, potential for accidental injuries, barking tendencies, protective nature, snoring habits, stubbornness, and high energy levels:

1. High Energy Level

For happiness and health, they need lots of physical and mental exercise. Exercise is essential to their health. It can decrease boredom and destructive behavior. For Boxers, an active existence is not an option.

No matter the activity, they’re ready for a trek in the mountains, a home fetch game, or a park run. It could be hard to manage for people who love to stay at home.

2. Separation Anxiety

Boxers often exhibit anxiety. It might be separation anxiety, noise phobia, or fear of people, animals, or places. Boxers are devoted and bonded to their owners; thus, separation anxiety is typical. Boxers with separation anxiety may act destructively, bark, whine, or try to flee the house.

3. Barking

Boxers are recognized for their expressive barking, which may be used to communicate emotions or odd feelings. It makes them great watchdogs. Pet parents must put effort into training them to stop barking. Positive reinforcement can help in this matter.

4. Jumping

A lot of the time, boxers jump on people. This trait can be fixed with training. It can be a problem in homes with young children or older people.

5. Protective Nature

A protective nature means they are not always happy to see new people. Boxers naturally want to protect their families. No doubt, it is a good trait for a guard dog. It could be a reason for many problems if it’s not handled properly. Certain boxers act weird when bringing new people into the house.

6. Loud Snoring

Boxers are notorious for how loudly they snore. This may disturb your sleep. A Boxer might not be the perfect pet for your home if you want calm evenings. For many Boxer owners, this snoring becomes a pleasant and reassuring background noise, almost like having a built-in sleep soundtrack.

7. Not Good for First-Time Dog Owners

First-time dog owners may not like boxers due to their activity, tenacity, and protection. Boxer owners without expertise may struggle to control their pooch.

8. Lap Dog Habits

Boxers may be lap dogs despite their size. They prefer intimate personal touch with people for affection and warmth. Their charming nature makes them great family dogs, but owners must balance snuggle time with autonomous play.

9. Stubbornness

Boxers are smart and fast learners, but their stubbornness may make training difficult and frustrating. Understanding this personality trait is crucial to training and getting along with your Boxer.

10. Risk of Accidental Injuries

Boxers can accidentally injure susceptible people with their active play and leaping. A lively boxer may not be right for every family.

11. Grooming and Maintenance of Boxers

  • Bathing: Unless they are exceptionally unclean, Boxers only require a monthly bath with dog-specific shampoo and thorough rinsing.
  • Grooming: Most people ask if boxers shed a lot. No, it’s not true, as they have short coats; they do shed. Using a bristle once a week helps reduce stray hair.
  • Dental Hygiene: Use special toothpaste to clean your boxer’s teeth each week.
  • Skin Checkup: Boxers may be more susceptible to allergies or skin infections because of their delicate skin. Check their skin often for indications of irritation, pimples, or redness. See a veterinarian if you observe any problems.
  • Healthy Nutritious Diet: For good health and coat, nutritious food is necessary. Try to give good dietary requirements or supplements. Seek help from your vets.
  • Ear Health: They got infections due to floppy ears. Use a cotton ball and dog-specific ear cleaner to clean their ears gently. Keep an eye on any infection to prevent any disease.
  • Nail Care: Use dog nail clippers to trim your Boxer’s nails every few weeks. It prevents health hazards.
  • Frequent Exercise: For the good physical and mental health of a Boxer, keep checking on regular exercise.

Health Issues Commonly Faced By Boxers

Boxer Dog Health Issue

Understanding the normal medical problems faced by boxers is vital for their prosperity.  We got you covered. Let’s investigate these worries and how to address them to guarantee your Fighter’s well-being and bliss.

  • Cancer: Boxers are more likely to develop mast cell malignancies and lymphoma. Regular vet visits and monitoring for strange tumors or behavior changes can achieve early identification and treatment.
  • Hypothyroidism: Boxers sometimes show symptoms like weight gain, lethargy, and various skin infections due to imbalanced thyroid glands.
  • Allergies: Boxers can have food, substance, or environmental allergies. You may have irritation, redness, and stomach difficulties. Identifying and removing the allergen is essential for treatment.
  • Joint Issues: Overweight dogs might develop joint problems. Hip and elbow dysplasia are common.
  • Hip Dysplasia: The hip joint doesn’t form properly, which makes the person painful and unable to walk. It is thought to be genetic, and most occur in boxers.
  • Elbow Dysplasia: In this, discomfort and stiffness in joints occur. Most of the time, it is caused by genetics, and a lot of big dog breeds get it.
  • Bloat: Bloat is a life-threatening condition in these gas-filled boxers due to deep chests. t has symptoms like restlessness and an enlarged abdomen.
  • Degenerative Myelopathy: This is a chronic illness of the spinal cord. It results in limb weakening and paralysis. Supportive treatment and physical therapy can assist in control of the symptoms even if there is no cure.
  • Heart disease: Boxers can have congenital or acquired heart disease. The most prevalent congenital cardiac condition in boxers is subaortic stenosis. t narrows the left ventricular blood artery. The heart works harder and may fail.

Worst Dog Food for Boxers

Worst Dog Food For Boxer

Worst food choices can lead your dog to suffer a lot. To help you in this let’s talk about the worst dog foods for Boxers and the reasons why they shouldn’t be eaten.”

  • Preservatives and additives: Low-quality additives like BHT, BHA, and ethoxyquin can cause allergic and gastrointestinal disorders in boxers. t is advised to use natural and high-quality additives.
  • Poor Protein Source: Meat by-products and low-quality meat dishes may not provide enough nutrients for your Boxer.
  • Grains: Grains could be the major reason for allergies in Boxers. Soy, Wheat, and other grain-based dog meals are top on the list to use carefully.
  • Fatty Food: Fatty food makes Boxer dogs overweight and unhealthy. Avoid saturated and trans fats in dog food.
  • Artificial Flavor and Sweeteners: Artificial flavors and sweeteners can harm dogs. Xylitol and other artificial sweeteners may poison dogs.

Cost of Owning a Boxer Dog

Owning a boxer is not easy on the bank. It causes some financial budget. We will try to mention some cost evaluations shortly so you can have a rough idea if you are looking to own a boxer:

1. Initial Costs for Purchasing/ Adoption

  • Boxer Puppy from a Breeder: 700-$2,500+
  • Adoption from a Rescue: 250-500$ (usually includes vaccinations and spaying/neutering)
  • Starter Kit: Crate, bed, collar, leash, toys, initial food: 200-500$

2. Recurring Costs

  • Food: High-quality diet: 40-70$ per month
  • Routine Veterinary Care: Checkups, vaccinations, prevention: 200-500$ annually
  • Grooming: Occasional professional grooming: 30-50$ per session
  • Training: Puppy classes or obedience training: 50-200$
  • Insurance: Pet insurance: 30-70$ per month

3. Potential Additional Costs

  • Emergency Veterinary Care: 100 to several thousand dollars
  • Boarding: 25-75$ per night
  • Accessories and Toys: 50-200$ annually
  • License and Microchipping: Microchipping: 25-50$ and Licensing: 10-50$ (annual)

4. Potential Long Term Costs

  • Health Issues: Ongoing treatment or medication costs
  • Senior Care: Special diets, more vet visits, specific medications, increasing annual expenses

Healthy Food Choices for Boxers

Understanding the significance of choosing nutritious foods is the first step in discovering the key to a Boxer’s optimal health. How about we investigate the best dietary choices to keep your Fighter sound and flourishing?

  • High-Quality Protein: Muscle growth and maintenance require high-quality protein. Chicken, meat, fish, and lamb provide high-quality protein for boxers. Make protein the main element in dog food.
  • Healthy Fats: Buy items with a mix of omega-3 and omega-6 fats. These help your Boxer to be healthy and shine.
  • Complex Carbohydrates: Boxers need energy. Sweet potatoes, brown rice, and barley are complex carbohydrates in dog chow. Avoid corn and soy fillers.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: They support body functioning and are essential for health. Make sure your Boxer gets vitamins A, D, E, and K, as well as calcium and phosphorus.

Life Expectancy For Boxer Dog

Life Expectancy For Boxer Dog

For a dog of its size, the average life expectancy for a boxer dog is 10 to 12 years, which is not terrible. Hence, even while health problems might be somewhat random, they don’t guarantee that your dog will outlive most other dogs of the same size.

Training and Socialization for Boxers

You must be wondering if Boxers are hard to train. It depends on how they are given early training. When your Boxer is young, try to make them interact with a variety of people and environments to ensure a happy and well-mannered adult life.

Boxer dog temperament is adjustable. Reward their positive behavior with toys or snacks and compliments. It means treat them like you own a kid.

Use commands like “sit” and “stay” to help them learn how to remain composed, particularly around tiny animals and children. Lay games with them. Take them for walks till they know how to walk properly on a string.

Bright Side of Owning a Boxer

Embracing the splendid side of owning a boxer brings a large group of delights and advantages. From their unflinching faithfulness to their defensive senses and perky disposition, we should investigate the great parts of imparting your life to this darling variety.

  • Faithful Companionship: They are devoted and faithful to their owners. They develop bonds like family members. Most of you must be waiting to know if Boxers are good with kids. They form a lovely bond.
  • Protective Fellow: Boxers are like alarms that keep you safe. With alert behavior, they gave strong signals to their owner. Kids can roam alone outside under trained boxers’ supervision.
  • Suitable for Living Spaces: Boxers easily adapt well to many environments and need exercise and mental stimulation.
  • Energetic and Playful: High-energy dogs like boxers are constantly eager to play and exercise. They make the house a vibrant and enjoyable place to be.
  • Affectionate Nature: They are lovely and affectionate towards the owner. I love to cuddle and provide warmth to loved ones.

Pros and Cons of Boxers


  • Faithful and loving
  • Energetic and playful
  • Watchful
  • Smart
  • Child-friendly
  • Little shedding
  • Sporty
  • Excellent guards


  • High energy levels
  • Boisterous behaviour
  • Potential health issues

Bottom Line

This article provides detailed information about why boxers are the worst dogs. Everyone may not like Boxers, as seen by their ownership. Possible owners encounter aggressiveness, high activity, and exercise demands, height and strength intimidation, health challenges, and training issues.

To overcome these bad behaviors, keep in mind how much they love their family. They are protective pets even if there are certain hazards. A great relationship requires that you and your potential pet be a good fit. Making decisions in life will be aided by taking into account all factors.

Frequently Asked Questions

At What Age Does a Boxer Calm Down?

Boxers are hyperactive, and between the ages of 2 and 4, they usually calm down. However, it depends on proper training and sessions.

Are Boxers Good With Cats?

With proper introduction and socialization, Boxers can get along well with cats.

Will a Boxer Attack an Intruder?

Boxers are protective and may act as effective deterrents, but proper training is crucial to ensure a controlled response to potential threats.

Do Boxers Drool a Lot?

In contrast to several other breeds with slack jowls, boxers are not renowned for drooling excessively. Although each dog may be different, Boxers typically don’t drool all that much.

Avatar of Iqra Munir

I am a dog food expert who is passionate about canine nutrition. I help pet owners choose the best diets for their dogs. My experience guarantees that dogs receive a balanced and customized diet, whether it be through interpreting ingredient labels or attending to certain health requirements.

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